Shiatsu, Traditional Oriental Therapy, is a massage which uses localized pressure applied by the therapist through his fingers, palms and elbows on the patient. It is applied on a tatami or futon, where the patient lies down with comfortable and loose clothing. This ancient therapy is used to treat ailments and diseases, among which it is especially effective for:
Regulated as a medical therapy in Japan by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Shiatsu brings together aspects of both traditional Japanese massage and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It is a combined diagnosis and therapy technique in which the therapist begins by observing the energetic imbalances related to the internal organs through the energy that he perceives through the initial pressure exerted on the patient’s abdomen. Once defined and in order to rebalance the body, the meridians and acupuncture points are worked through the application of pressure, thus achieving the correct distribution of energy in the body. Acquiring this skill requires considerable experience, both in correctly diagnosing and identifying sources of imbalance and in trying to eliminate them.