In China, numerous studies and case reports were developed to support the use of these disciplines in the treatment of many diseases. The result of this effort was that by the end of the 70s the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a resolution in which acupuncture´s efficiency for the treatment of some diseases is recognized, and it is recommended to adopt by all governments of the the world these therapeutic techniques in its different health systems.
Based on my professional experience, acupuncture is very effective in cases such as:
Tendinitis, migraines, menstrual pain, infertility, impotence, irregular periods, anxiety, depression, insomnia, stiff neck, back pain, sore throat, sciatica and swollen joints.
Acupuncture is a very complete therapy that treats the patient in a holistic way, therefore the body is regulated without having to treat symptoms separately, regulating the entire body. (Although there are specific treatments for acute cases).